Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Sexual Revolution: 40 years since Humanae vitae

Pope Benedict XVI has characterised his predecessor, Paul VI's efforts in the sixties as truly superhuman. Many people are now beginning to see the deep wisdom in that short little encyclical on the pill. One of the testimonies that I have come across is in an article by Jennifer Fulwiller in America Magazine, touching less on the phenomena of artificial contraception and more on abortion. She suggests that those who are pro-abortion have not been deluded about the real nature of the fetus inside. Few can really hold that it is not human or just a clump of cells. They understand what it is, but they value sex without responsibilities more. They can't swallow the idea that sex might have something to do with making babies: it is quite literally throwing out the baby with the sexual bathwaters... It is one of the most impressive arguments against abortion, but simultaneously against the contraceptive mentality behind it. You'll like it.