Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Temperament God gave you

Imagine, sirens begin to whirl behind you and you realise that a police car is pulling you over. You think:
-His radar gun couldn't possibly be correct. I was hardly going over the speed limit. The cars in front of me were speeding.
-Oh, no! I've heard of people getting arrested for this!
-Was I driving fast? What's the speed limit on this road, anyway?
-Do I have my wallet? And where did I put the car registration!?

Different responses to the same situation; the first is typical of the choleric temperament, the second of the melancholic, the third the sanguine, and the fourth, the phlegmatic. Now which one do you fit in?

Here is a book that can be a huge help to figure this out in yourself and in others. Art and Larrain Bennett provide a fascinating outline of the four classic temperments already identified centuries ago by Aristotle: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. Everyone is born with one of these basic tendencies, and will always react in accord with this hard-wired disposition. Though one can change and acquire dominion over oneself, that basic tendency will always be there, ingrained in us like our DNA. I found the descriptions of each temperament very illuminating; one can see that the book is clearly the result of many years of thought and experience. I highly recommend this work to anyone involved in the spiritual direction of souls or anybody who wants to come to have more dominion over his own temperament. Which is everybody. There is a great test at the end to help you figure out your own temperament. It is published by Sophia Press

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